Danny Scott of Lutcher, Louisiana, said he's excited about the new vehicle he pur
chased through the Cash for Clunkers program, but watch how you talk about his baby, the 1991 Ford F-150 he had to give up.
I told them [the salespeople] don't call it a clunker, Scott said of the maroon and red motor vehicle he had for almost 20 years.
Yes, it had 422,000 miles on it, but it still ran like a champion, Scott said. When it was time to get it fixed, I got it fixed. It got me from Point A to Point B. I changed my oil every 3,000 miles or so. I figure it's an investment, you know?
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I told them [the salespeople] don't call it a clunker, Scott said of the maroon and red motor vehicle he had for almost 20 years.
Yes, it had 422,000 miles on it, but it still ran like a champion, Scott said. When it was time to get it fixed, I got it fixed. It got me from Point A to Point B. I changed my oil every 3,000 miles or so. I figure it's an investment, you know?
useful links: los angeles movers, transport rankings
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