Franco and Hathaway picked as co-hosts for Oscars James Franco and Anne Hathaway have immediately what Academy Awards producers want as hosts of Hollywood's main night. They'll put on a show, somewhat than just another awards ceremony, organizer says.

Hollywood news updates Bruce Cohen and Don Mischer, producers of the Feb. 27 telecast, said Monday they had selected Franco and Hathaway as hosts as the two are raising stars with broad talent that will help turn the night into a carnival of film.

"What we have here are two really up-and-coming talents who are much respected and are going to have, I think, superb careers," Mischer said. "They deserve to be there, they've got the chops to be there, they want to be present, and I think that's going to make the addressees really relate to them."

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Pentagon study dismisses risk of gay troops
A Pentagon learn on gays in the military has determined that overturn the law known as "don't ask, don't tell" might cause some disturbance at first but would not make any widespread or long-lasting harms.

The answer was confirmed by two people familiar with the findings. They spoke on form of anonymity since the results hadn't been publicly on the loose.

The study found that 70 percent of troops supposed that repealing the law would have mixed, positive or no effect, while 30 percent predict negative cost. Opposition was strongest among fight troops, with 40 percent saying it was a bad idea. That numeral climbs to 46 percent among Marines.

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Iran agrees to discuss its nuclear program
Iran – harden its place ahead of next week's nuclear talks with the world powers, Iran's president vow Tuesday his country would not make "one iota" of concession over its nuclear rights.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that a get through could only be likely only if the new talks are held under "equal" circumstances and if Iran's rights are appreciated.

"If you want consequences from the talks, you must put aside the devil's temper and sit collectively under equal conditions on the basis of justice and esteem ... and talk about various economic and nuclear fields, arrive at a deal and do joint work," Ahmadinejad said in a speech show live on state TV.

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Obama, Hill leaders meet: taxes, treaty on tap
House and Senate leaders from both party sat down Tuesday for their first postelection assembly with President Barack Obama in an ambiance charged with worry over taxes and a new nuclear arms treaty with Russia.

Republicans set the tone for the session early, declare steadfast opposition to any tax increase when the current Bush era tax cuts conclude at the end of the year. Obama has said he would combat a permanent additional room of the tax cuts for taxpayers earning more than $200,000 as persons and $250,000 as couples.

At the same time a couple of Republican senators signal possible pressure group on the START treaty which would reduce nuclear arms arsenals in the U.S. and Russia. Obama has made support of the treaty this year a top nationwide security goal.

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Afghan 'police officer' kills six Nato troops
Six Nato troops in Afghanistan were shot dead during a training work out today by a man wearing a border police uniform, the alliance said.

The happening took place in eastern Afghanistan where the majority of distant forces are from the US. There are no British troops in the region. It is the worst happening involving foreign troops in more than a month.

"An individual in an Afghan edge police uniform turned his weapon against International Security Assistance Forces throughout a training mission today, killing six service members in eastern Afghanistan," the Nato-led force said in a declaration. It said the gunman was then killed in an exchange of shots with other troops.

The gunfire occurred in Pachir Wagam district of eastern Nangarhar province, an Afghan administrator told the linked Press.

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US loses leverage in climate talks
A year gone President Barack Obama worked in my opinion to salvage the Copenhagen climate summit, a political shift vegetation the United States with far less power while China moves ahead.

US negotiators in the UN-led talks in Cancun, Mexico, face the tough task of persuade China and other emerging economy to agree to a binding treaty with no offering any concession that could face a backlash in Washington.

Obama's Democratic Party suffered a callous election defeat on November 2 to the Republican Party, which has vowed to go up against a nationwide plan to limit carbon emissions blamed for global warming.

"The United States has the power of any major country but its ability to promise much more is somewhat limited by the marital situation," said Alden Meyer, manager of strategy and policy at the Union of Concerned Scientists.

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South Korea cancels Yeonpyeong island drills
South Korea has cancelled plans to carry out a live-fire weaponry drill on the island North Korea bombard last week.

Seoul had deployed multiple rocket launchers and long-range howitzers on Yeonpyeong after last week's guns exchange, and population on the tiny island were warned earlier today to take sanctuary tomorrow morning.

Excluding South Korean military officials said later that plans to fire weaponry rounds into waters south-west of Yeonpyeong had been cancelled.

The military gave no reason for the annulment.

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Iranian nuclear scientist killed, another injured in Tehran bombings
A well-known Iranian nuclear scientist was killed Monday and a second was gravely wounded in nearly concurrent car bomb attacks in the Iranian capital, the semiofficial Fars news agency report.

The explosion, which took place near Shahid Beheshti University, are the latest in a string of recent murder attempts in which five doctors and professor have been killed in Tehran.

Iranian establishment blamed agents of Israel and the United States for the killings, saying they want to cause chaos in the country. But leading figures in Iran's resistance movement accused the government of intrigues the attacks in order to increase fear in the capital, where many oppose the regime of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

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Britain Keeps Silent on Afghan Impostor Claim
Authorities in London suspended a formal response on Friday to a reported accusation by a senior Afghan bureaucrat that the British introduce an impostor posing as a high Taliban chief into the presidential palace in Kabul to meet President Hamid Karzai.

News of the awkward ruse emerged earlier this week in an article in The New York Times saying that a man identify himself as Mullah Akhtar Muhammad Mansour, one of the most senior commanders in the Taliban movement, had held three meetings with NATO and Afghan officials, heartening hopes of a negotiated resolution to the nine-year-old war.

The fake Taliban leader smooth met with President Karzai, after being flown to Kabul on a NATO plane and usher into the presidential palace, officials said told The New York Times.

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North Korea Issues Warning as Artillery Fire Rattles Island
South Korea — Tension mount on Friday near a South Korean island bombarded this week by North Korea as Pyongyang’s military once more fired artillery, this time in what appeared to be a drill on its own territory. The North’s state-run media warn that a intended United States-South Korean military work out could push the Korean Peninsula closer to “the brink of war.”

In the meantime, South Korea struggled with the home political fallout from Tuesday’s deadly attack, which exposed the weakness of South Korean military protection and brought public censure of President Lee Myung-bak for failing to hit back more forcefully. On Friday, he appointed a new resistance minister, whose predecessor resigned on Thursday for failing to keep forces at ready in an area that has seen recurring military clashes with North Korea.

North Korea’s state-run news outfit lashed out at South Korean and American plans to hold a joint training do exercises on Sunday in Yellow Sea waters near the island.

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Afghan, Pakistan agree on coordinated anti-drug raids
The accord was clinching at an annual meeting of the Triangular proposal facilitated by the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Islamabad. Iran was also a part of the conference.

"Now Pakistan and Afghanistan through this gathering have also agreed that our law enforcement forces' synchronized operations will begin soon," Pakistan's Secretary of Narcotics Control, Tariq Khosa, told journalists.

Relations flanked by Kabul and Islamabad have been frosty since the removal of the Taliban in 2001, but have just been thawing, with an agreement on a transfer trade last summer.

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Iraqi PM Maliki asked to form new government
Iraq's president officially asked Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on Thursday to form a new management, giving him 30 days to choose a cabinet from in the middle of Iraq's fractious Shi'ite, Kurdish and Sunni political faction.

The ask for from President Jalal Talabani came two weeks after political leaders reached an accord to divide up the top government jobs, a deal that put Maliki, a Shi'ite, on track for a second term as leader.

The power-sharing pact, more than eight months after an uncertain March 7 parliamentary election, offered several hope that Iraq could avoid a return to the sectarian warfare that killed tens of thousands of people at its crest in 2006-07.

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Obama asks country to help make tomorrow better
Saying America has a the past of doing what it takes to make a improved tomorrow, President Barack Obama is calling on a country mountaineering out of its worst financial slump in decades to summon that spirit again this holiday period.

"This is not the hardest blessing America has ever faced. But as long as many members of our American family are ache, we've got to look out for one another," Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address, at large for Thanksgiving.

"As long as many of our sons and daughters and husbands and wives are at war, we've got to carry their mission and honor their examine," Obama added. "And as long as many of our friends and neighbors are looking for work, we've got to do all we can to go faster this revival and keep our economy moving onward."

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SKorea's defense chief resigns over NKorea attack
South Korea South Korea's protection minister submissive Thursday amid intense disapproval two days after a North Korean weaponry attack killed four people on a small island near the Koreas' disputed border.

The move came as President Lee Myung-bak vowed to send more troops to the front-line South Korean island and as inhabitants tried to salvage possessions from the blackened ruins of their homes. Pyongyang warned of extra attacks if provoked.

Hours sooner than Defense Minister Kim Tae-young's acceptance, lawmakers had lashed out at the government, claiming officials were unqualified for Tuesday's attack and that the military retort to the North's bombardment was too slow. Still those in Lee's ruling party demanded Kim's dismissal as well as persons of military leaders and some presidential aides.

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Afghanistan releases majority of election results
Afghanistan – Afghanistan's top prosecutor announced a new inquiry Wednesday into accusations of ballot handling, potentially dealing another setback to a fraud-marred parliamentary election just as many had hoped a announcement of final results would allow the country to move on.

The Afghan election commission, in the meantime, certified tallies from 33 of 34 provinces but failed to transport on a promise to provide complete fallout more than two months after the Sept. 18 poll.

The panel said it had not determined what to do about the eastern province of Ghazni, where a host of problems clouded the ballot even after considerable investigations. Other than the delay in the Ghazni results, the winners were unaffected since fraud investigators announced a number of banned candidates earlier this week.

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Obama says he doesn't think about race vs. Palin
President Barack Obama says he compliments Sarah Palin's political skills but hasn't consideration about the likelihood of facing her in the 2012 presidential election.

Obama acknowledges that Palin "has a burly base of hold up in the Republican Party," but says he spends most of his time listening carefully on being "the best possible president."

In a talk taped Wednesday with ABC's Barbara Walters, the president says that if he does a good job "the government will take care of itself."

Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential candidate, told Walters last week that she's allowing for a presidential run. When asked if she thought she could defeat Obama, the former Alaska governor replied, "I suppose so."

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Iran rejects media claims on uranium programme halt
Iran has discarded western media claims that it for the time being halted uranium enhancement due to technical problems and asserted that it had productively fight out a serious cyber attack on its manufacturing and personal computers.

Head of the Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization Ali Akbar Salehi described as “lies” media reports that appeared on Monday, that Iran had knowledgeable technical difficulties that had temporarily paralysed thousands of its centrifuges used for the enhancement of uranium.

Reuters quoting a civil servant close to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in its report that U.N. inspectors had found on November 16 that centrifuges occupied in low level uranium enhancement at the Natanz facility were not life form fed uranium hexafluoride gas.

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Belgian police charge nine after anti-terror raids
Nine people have been stimulating in Belgium with belonging to terrorist groups after a sequence of raids in three countries.

Seven were under arrest in Antwerp on Tuesday in association with a year-long inquiry into an alleged plot to attack Belgium.

Arrests were also made in Amsterdam and the German city of Aachen.

One more 15 suspects were detained in Brussels as part of a divide inquiry and all but two have been on the loose.

All nine believes are due to appear in court on 26 November either in Brussels or the close to town of Mechelen, Belgian radio intelligence.

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U.N. sees global AIDS epidemic starting to turn
A probable 33.3 million people global have the HIV virus that causes AIDS, but the global health community is starting to slow down and still turn the plague around, a United Nations report said on Tuesday.

The total number of HIV-infected people in 2009 was down slightly from the preceding year's 33.4 million and at least 56 countries have either stabilize or achieved noteworthy declines in rates of new HIV infection.

Yet while more than 5 million of those who need life-saving AIDS drugs are getting them, just about two-thirds of the 15 million people in not as good as country who need them cannot get them. Marginalized groups like drug users and sex workers are far less likely to get help than others, according to the 2010 global keep posted by the Joint U.N. Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS).

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Lawmaker blasts asylum offers for Iraqi Christians
A politician called on Iraq's government Tuesday to better keep its dwindling Christian the public and lambasted other nations that have accessible asylum to fleeing Christians as interfering in Iraq's problems.

The comments by Christian politician Younadem Kana, from the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, approach after a spate of brutal attacks on Iraqi Christians — including a Catholic Church bombing last month that killed 68 people.

Previous this week, two Christian brothers in Kana's place of origin were terminally shot by indefinite gunmen who raid their auto mechanic shop.

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Auto industry success a hard sell for White House
The auto industry is provided that President Barack Obama a good intelligence story — automakers are making money, plants are hiring and the taxpayers' stake in General Motors is diminishing. Things are look up for the president in assembly line country — just not the voting.

Obama, fresh from claiming justification after last week's GM public stock gift, is joining Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday at a Chrysler auto plant in Kokomo, Ind. This month in Indiana, Democrats lost a Senate seat and two House seating and were ambitious into the minority in the state government.

While Obama is embarking on a mission to change the public's mood, the story is much the same somewhere else in auto developed states: The commerce might be on the mend, but neither Obama nor the Democrats are reaping the payback.

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North, South Korea exchange fire; 2 marines killed
South Korea – North and South Korea exchange artillery fire Tuesday after the North shelled an island near their undecided sea boundary, killing at least two South Korean marines, setting dozens of building ablaze and distribution civilians fleeing for protection.

The skirmish began when Pyongyang warned the South to halt martial drills in the area, according to South Korean officials. When Seoul refuses, the North bombarded the small South Korean-held island of Yeonpyeong, which houses armed installation and small civilian inhabitants.

South Korea returns fire and dispatch combatant jets in answer, and said there could be large North Korean casualties as troop’s unleashed intense retaliatory fire. The supreme military control in Pyongyang in danger more strike if the South crosses their maritime border by "even 0.001 millimeter," according to the North's official Korean Central News group.

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Israeli archaeologists find ancient pool
Israeli archaeologists investigative the site for new civic rite bath in Jerusalem's Old City found a almost 2,000-year-old Roman swimming pool.

The detection sheds a rare light on the traditional era city the Romans built after destroy the second Jewish Temple in 70 A.D. and expelling the Jews from Jerusalem.

Ofer Sion, who is directing the excavations, said Monday the site helps confirm that the Roman city was larger than beforehand thought.

The archaeologists, who regularly inspect sites ahead of planned building projects, found steps leading to the pool's white mosaic floor and roof tiles embossed with legion's name.

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Israeli bill could threaten future peace deals
Israel's hard-line assembly was expected to endorse a bill on Monday that could sink future calm deals with the Palestinians and Syria.

With Mideast appeasing already at a standstill, the proposed legislation would make it much harder for the government to cede doubtful east Jerusalem and the Golan Heights — capture territories that would be central to any prospect accord.

If it is passed, the new law would necessitate 80 of 120 lawmakers to approve any withdrawal from those two areas. Without that super preponderance, the administration would need to win support in a binding countrywide referendum.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's cupboard supports the bill.

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North Korea has built sophisticated uranium enrichment facility, US scientist says
The news raise fears that the secretive regime is capable of increasing its atomic programmed despite years of international stress.

Siegfried Hecker, an ex- director of the Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory, returned last week from a visit to the Yongbyon complex, where he was shown a small-scale manufacturing uranium enrichment facility that was "astonishingly modern" and would "would fit into any modern American dispensation facility".

North Korean officials told him the plant contained 2,000 centrifuges calculated to manufacture uranium for civilian nuclear power, though he completed the centrifuges "could be readily converted to manufacture highly enrich uranium bomb fuel".

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Harry Potter makes box-office magic with record weekend
The World News: The goblins at Gringotts bank are set for a busy week: the newest Harry Potter film has shattered the British box office record for an opening weekend, taking £18.3m in its first three days.

The figure eclipses the £15.3m raked in by the most current James Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, in 2008. Figures at large this mealtime verify that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 has broken minutes for the best Friday, the greatest Saturday and the best for a single day.

The latter two records are at here held by the fourth film in the series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, which took £5.7m on a Saturday in 2005. Deathly Hallows also top the US box office at the weekend, debuting with an anticipated $125m.

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Terror Verdict Tests Obama’s Strategy on Trials
The mixed decision in the case of the first Guantanamo prisoner to be tried in a civilian court on Wednesday quickly re-ignited a ferocious debate over the Obama administration’s effort to bring back the role of the usual criminal evenhandedness system in handling terrorism suit.

Ahmed Ghailani will face between 20 years and life in penal complex as a result of his conviction on one charge related to the 1998 task force bombings in Africa. But because a jury acquitted him on more than 280 other charges — as well as every count of murder — critics of the Obama administration’s strategy on detainees said the verdict prove that civilian courts could not be trusted to handle the action of Al Qaeda terrorists.

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'Bomb' found on Germany-bound plane in Namibia, police say
A supposed bomb, total with detonator and stopwatch, was exposed during a custom security check on luggage intended for a Germany-bound aeroplane in Namibia on Wednesday.

The package was naked in the terminal building of Windhoek International Airport before long before it was due to be encumbered onto an Air Berlin plane bound for Munich.

A spokesman for Germany’s Federal Crime Office (BKA) said it was still uncertain if the pack up could have been detonating.

On Wednesday, Germany upped its security threat level after being warned by an intellect ally about a likely terrorist attack towards the end of the month.

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PM Julia Gillard stands tough on Afghan war Prime Minister has warned against a rigid devotion to handing over blame for security in Afghanistan to its government by 2014, insisting the change must be tailored to the conditions on the ground. Writing a view piece for The Australian today, Ms Gillard seeks to recast outlook about the length and intensity of Australia's pledge to the war, ahead of a NATO summit on Afghanistan she will be there in Lisbon this weekend that will consider conditions for the evolution.

"It's important this (transition) procedure is not started until we are positive it will be irreversible," she writes. "We must not transition out only to transition back in.

"Australia will remain unavailable in Afghanistan for the next decade at least. So, too, must the international community."

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Obama calls ratifying START treaty US imperative
President Barack Obama sternly proclaimed sanction of the U.S.-Russia nuclear arms treaty "a national security vital" Thursday, saying the Senate must act previous to Congress goes home for the year.

Lobbying rigid for votes from the White House, Obama he spoken confidence he would be able to get enough votes to get the treaty passed, saying that every president since Ronald Reagan has been able to get such pacts during.

To apply force on the Senate, Obama bounded himself for his declaration with former secretaries of states and protection of both parties, who all hold the treaty, along with leaders of his administration. He said the United States "cannot afford to gamble" with its ability to verify Russia's tactical nuclear arsenal — a central element of the agreement.

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Washington urged to engage Iran
The management of United States President Barack Obama should follow a policy of "strategic engagement" with Iran that would offer Tehran better-looking incentives to curb its nuclear program, according to a study group convene by two centrist Washington think-tanks.

The group, which included more than 40 standard Iran, foreign policy and non-proliferation experts, also warned that a martial attack, what's more by the US or Israel, on Iran would prove counter-productive in virtually every admiration.

"A US choice to attack Iran, absent compelling evidence of an about to happen Iranian attack on a US ally or facility, would subvert the whole Middle East in ways that could do severe harm to US calculated

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Nigeria reports arms cache from Iran to UN
Nigeria has report the discovery of an illegal arms consignment from Iran to the UN Security Council, a overseas office spokesman said Wednesday, with the occurrence a possible contravention of sanction.

"A formal announcement was forward to the chairman of the Security Council ... on the 12th of November conveying information that arms originating from Iran were seized," said spokesman Ozo Nwobu.

The notification also well-versed the board that "investigation into the situation into the arms delivery were ongoing," he added.

Iran is under four sets of UN sanction over its nuclear programme. The sanctions take in a ban on arms sales.

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Iraq's Talabani says will not sign Aziz death order
Iraqi President Jalal Talabani said on Wednesday he will not sign an implementation order for Tareq Aziz, the former deputy of Dictator Saddam Hussein sentence to death last month for crimes alongside humanity.

"No, I will not sign the execution order for Tareq Aziz, since I am a socialist," Talabani told French television France 24 in a consultation.

"I feel sorry for with Tareq Aziz because he is an Iraqi Christian. in addition he is an old man who is over 70," he said.

Iraq's high court passed a death sentence on Aziz, once the worldwide face of Saddam's government, in October over the harassment of Islamic parties in Iraq throughout Saddam's rule.

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Iran says foreign planes violated its airspace
Iran said Wednesday that nameless foreign planes violated its airspace six times as the nation kicked off its biggest ever air protection drill but that the intruder were intercept and forced back by Iranian jets.

The remarks by Gen. Hamid Arjangi, a spokesman for the exercise, were the first Iranian claim of an infringement. Initially, he had only said that distant investigation planes had approach Iran's air space.

There was no way to verify Iran's claims. The spokesman did not identify whether the aircraft were warplanes or pilotless watch drones that might have been sent up to observe the drill.

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Suspected US missiles kill 20 in NW Pakistan
MIR ALI, Pakistan – supposed American missiles slam into a home and a speeding vehicle near the Afghan boundary Tuesday, killing 20 alleged militants as the U.S. ramps up unmanned drone strikes in northwestern Islamist stronghold, Pakistani official said.

The eighth projectile attack this month in Pakistan killed target in North Waziristan, a mountainous tribal district that is a base for Taliban and al-Qaida-linked fighters accountable for many of the attacks on U.S. and NATO forces across the boundary in Afghanistan.

The U.S. has launched 100 such strikes in Pakistan so far this year, a major surge over preceding years for the drone program that is rarely officially known by Washington. Nearly all have hit in North Waziristan, where Muslim extremist run a virtual mini-state external the Pakistani government's control

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Iran kicks off 5-day air defense war games
Iran kicks off five-days of air defense war games Tuesday to display the country's capability in defensive its nuclear facilities from probable attack, state television report.

The drill, which comes as Iran is protected in a standoff with the U.S. and its European allies over Tehran's doubtful nuclear program, aims to "upgrade the combat watchfulness" of Iran's air protection system, an Iranian air force all-purpose said.

"These large-scale military exercises ... will additional improve preparedness to confront probable threats to Iran's air space and the very populated, vital landmarks and nuclear centers," Gen. Ahmad Mighani was quoted as saying by state TV.

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Obama awards Medal of Honor to Iowa staff sergeant
President Barack Obama on Tuesday is awarding the Medal of admiration to an Army staff sergeant who placed himself in the line of fire in Afghanistan to save two comrades.

The soldier, Salvatore Giunta (jee-UN'-tah), is the first livelihood service member from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to be given the nation's highest military adornment.

The Army says that on Oct. 25, 2007, Giunta was ration as a rifle team leader in the Korengal Valley in Afghanistan when an uprising ambush split his force into two groups.

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House ethics panel: Rep. Rangel violated rules
Rep. Charles Rangel, on one occasion one of the most powerful House members, was convict Tuesday on 11 counts of breaking ethics rules and now faces sentence.

A principles panel of eight House peers deliberate over two days before delivering a jarring blow to the 20-term New York Democrat's profession. The 80-year-old Rangel was charged with 13 counts of monetary and fundraising bad behavior.

Barely last spring, Rangel held the illustrious post of Ways and Means chairman, a point that made him the House's main writer of tax legislation. The Harlem congressman was not near when the outcome was announced.

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